Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Chapter 2 - The Hobbit

On Wednesday we will have a quiz on Chapter 1 Vocabulary/Spelling

Also, here are the tasks for Chapter 2:

1) Students will keep a running tab of new vocabulary from the book. They will have a duotang for this novel study and the first pages will be vocabulary.

- Define
- Write a new sentence with this word

Chapter 2:


 2) Add new characters – 3 Trolls

 3) Take on the perspective of one of the characters so far and write a diary about part of the events that unfolded in chapter 2.  (Should be at least 3/4 of a page in length)

รจ  Focus on detail, perspective and emotion

STUDENTS will be handing in everything we have done on the Hobbit in a duotang on Wednesday OCT 17.

Thursday, 4 October 2012

The Hobbit Novel Study

We have just begun our Hobbit Novel Study.  We have read through chapter 1, and I have asked students not to read ahead as we will be doing assignments throughout and will read the book many times together as a group.


1) Students will keep a running tab of new voacbulary from the book.  They will have a duotang for this novel study and the first pages will be vocabulary.
- Define
- Write a new sentence with this word

Chapter 1:

2) On another piece of paper make a list of all the characters introduced thus far.  Write the little bit that you know about them.

3) In the Introduction there is a picture of the map that Gandalf gives to Thorin. First copy down the dwarf runes, and second decode them using the decoding sheet.  (It is available on my website).